2 min readFeb 10, 2024


The optimal length for posts on Medium can vary, but there are some general guidelines based on observations and recommendations from the platform itself and successful authors on Medium.

Medium does not enforce a strict word count for stories, but content that performs well often falls into a certain range. Historically, stories of 400 words and up have been among the most popular on the platform. It's suggested to aim for a length that allows you to convey your message effectively while keeping the reader engaged. Medium's focus on readability and engagement over sheer traffic metrics implies that quality and depth matter more than length.

Another perspective shared by Medium is that there isn't a designated word count for any story. However, from data and author experiences, it appears that stories taking around 7 minutes to read, which translates to approximately 1,600 to 2,000 words, tend to perform well in terms of reader engagement and visibility. This length is enough to provide depth and value without overwhelming the reader.

The best practice for Medium authors includes writing a compelling headline, choosing a high-quality photo, and making use of Medium’s formatting features to enhance the readability of your post. Getting feedback on your draft and proofreading for grammar, punctuation, and formatting are also recommended steps before publishing.

It's important to remember that these are just guidelines. The best length for your post will depend on your topic, audience, and the specific message you're trying to convey. Quality content that provides value to the reader is always the priority. Engaging and well-structured stories, regardless of their length, have the potential to perform well on Medium.

